


《 臺灣環境教育認證 》


   臺灣的環境教育與世界脈動接軌,以法制化推動環境教育為基礎,具備健全的執行體系與網絡、充實的經費、專業的認證系統,帶動全民參與環境行動。透過環境教育認證(機構、 人員 、設施場所)的推動以及認證及管理辦法的制定,賦予臺灣建立多年的環境教育基礎更多的推動資源與動能,促進臺灣環境學習產業的發展。



    展望下一個十年,將持續提升環境教育認證與品質 、建構跨領域資源動能平台 、並為了提供更多元優質戶外(環境)學習的願景而努力,創造未來每一位公民看待環境的態度與視角,共創人與環境的和諧與永續。放眼未來還有好多個十年,讓我們約定一起邀集更多人參與環境教育認證、一起讓世界更美好!


《 Environmental Education Certification in Taiwan 》  

   Connections between environmental education in Taiwan and the world, The Taiwan Environmental Education Act (TEEA) has brought about extensive environmental participation with sufficient budget, professional certification, and a solid implementation system and network. Implementing EE certification and instituting managerial measures help establish a solid EE foundation and stimulate the environmental learning industry in Taiwan.


  2021 marks the 10th anniversary for TEEA. The EE certification system has helped us take steady steps over the past decade, keep our initial aspiration and insist on providing high-quality learning programs.
  We're still working on visions such as "enhancing EE certification and its quality","establishing a dynamic and cross-field EE resource platform" and"ensuring diversified and high quality outdoor and environmental learning"for the next decade because current efforts are shaping each citizen's attitude toward the environment and creating harmony between human beings and the environment.

   For more decades to come, let's gather more people to participate in EE certification and make the world a better place ! 

